Pie Recipe Blog, Pie Recipes - Part 5

Peach Pie

Peaches and dreams. That about sums up my experience making this pie. What was intended to be a simple summer pie ended up being a catalyst for summoning some of the best summer memories. As I was preparing my peaches, my mind wandered to the summer I spent working at a local road side fruit […]

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Salted Honey Pie

I’m being forced to get a manicure. Nail care is not my forte – it never has been. Other than trimming my nails on a regular basis, I rarely, if ever, think about them. My friend has embarked on a personal mission to drag me to a nail salon by espousing promises of wine and […]

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Dark Chocolate Pudding Cups

The lens through which I come up with ideas is admittedly a tad off the grid from what your average person might consider normal. I’m rarely surprised that when I throw an idea out there, I’m often met with looks of skepticism or, in most cases, advice not to do it. But, in most cases, […]

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Two Holiday Pies to Try

It’s that time of year – bundles of holiday cards are arriving in my mailbox.  Each shiny photo card of friends I love reminds me that I didn’t send any this year.  Not because I was too busy, or because I forgot, but because I didn’t have a card-worthy photo.  How vain of me.   […]

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Pie it Forward: Mrs. Eason, Pie for the President

The story that follows is one that I wrote in my early months of learning to make pie about a visit with Mrs. Eason who made pie for President Obama.  In the months following that visit, I continued to stay in touch with Mrs. Eason.  Once, she called me and asked me to bring a […]

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Black and Blue Pie

I have a change addiction. Not change like shiny quarters and pennies, but actual change, as in the verb. I find myself always working towards the next big thing. In my 20’s it was easy. Change came around every year or so. A new apartment, a new job, an engagement, a wedding – I was […]

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Pie-in-a-Jar: Strawberry Rhubarb

Pie is my zen. Time and again, I’m always surprised by the random thoughts that enter my mind as I clear my head and focus on making pie.  Over the past few weeks, my pietifications have centered around a funny phenomenon that I now affectionately call the Disappearing Mommy. I’ve been seeing articles recently about […]

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Strawberry Rhubarb Pie-in-a-Jar

Pie is my zen. Time and again, I’m always surprised by the random thoughts that enter my mind as I clear my head and focus on making pie. Over the past few weeks, my pietifications have centered around a funny phenomenon that I now affectionately call the Disappearing Mommy. I’ve been seeing articles recently about […]

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Nashville Pie Crawl

You know your life has turned a corner when upon visiting a new city, you embark on a pie crawl and not a bar crawl like a more youthful and resilient version of yourself might have say, oh, 15 years ago.  My how time has changed me – those rounds of cherry bombs and appletinis […]

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Pie it Forward: Family Promise

“Sometimes people are layered like that. There’s something totally different underneath than what’s on the surface….Like pie is.”  Joss Whedon Pie continues to pop up in my life in unexpected ways.  This latest Pie It Forward was no exception – this was a total unplanned, surprise Pie It Forward. For years, I have been interested […]

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Cherry Pie Bites

I dread baking during the work week for one simple reason – dishes. I love the baking part, but the aftermath is just so overwhelming when all I want to do is call it a night and go to bed. My M.O. each time I’m in the kitchen is to use as few utensils and […]

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